How To Maintain Your Concrete Driveway In Winter Time

If you are the proud owner of a new concrete driveway, it is probably time start thinking about maintenance. Both the look and structure will be susceptible to damage over time. This is especially true for those living in regions that receive harsh weather, although maintenance all year long is highly recommended for anyone, it is especially important to maintain your concrete driveway in winter time.

Maintenance is necessary, even though concrete has proven to be one of the most weather resistant options. Cold weather and other harsh weather can often lead to artificial surface damage if it has not been properly maintained. The good news is it is not that difficult to maintain your new driveway by utilizing a few proven, fast and easy methods of doing so.

The first step is to always clean and reapply sealer as necessary. As a rule of thumb, most people will find it sufficient to apply resealer approximately every two years. However, those that are exposed to harsh winter weather conditions may find it necessary to do it more often.

Removing stains is always another concern for maintaining the your new driveway. Many common stains such as oil and gasoline can often start to eat away at the surface and discolor it. Washing away these stains as soon as possible is absolutely necessary for maintaining the look and increasing the overall durability. For this we strongly recommend utilizing a powerful pressure washer to remove the stains. Utilizing a sealer that includes a protection from stain absorption will also help to prevent future stains.

Deicing chemicals are something that we strongly recommend avoiding if possible. These can often cause damage due to harsh chemicals they contain and are best avoided. However, it is typically ok to use organic deicers that do not contain chemicals such as ammonium nitrates and ammonium sulphates. If you do use deicers, you will definitely notice damage over an extended period.

Rock salt is a great alternative to deicers and wont be have as damaging to the surface. Unfortunately, during the first year it is even best to avoid salt as the newly laid surface is more vulnerable to absorption. Sand can be used as an alternative to maintain your concrete driveway in winter time.

Damage will vary depending on the weather conditions your home is exposed to during the winter. However, there are other elements that can damage your driveway as well. For example, an increased rate of traffic or weight can also cause damage such as cracks and scaling. You may want to look into products specially designed for maintaining concrete in the harsh outdoor elements.

Extremely heavy vehicles may be a concern for some people that intend on parking oversized equipment or trucks on their property. For example, construction or farming equipment may be too heavy and cause minor or major cracking and scaling. For these types of vehicles, it is best to utilize a more industrial application that can support oversized weight loads. These are tips everyone should be considering when it comes to how to maintain your concrete driveway in winter time.

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