With Air Conditioning San Antonio Residents Can Keep Their Cool

A cool and dry house can be a welcome relief after spending a few hours out of doors in the Southern Texas heat. However, like other mechanical systems, HVAC units will need care in order to continue to provide this relief. With help of contractors servicing air conditioning San Antonio residents reduce the risk of a system breakdown when it is needed most.

Operating a system using a dirty filter makes it inefficient to operate. During the summer months, filters should be changed every month. Filters are rated with a MERV rating that is between one and twelve. Higher numbers indicate a better filter at removing particles from the air. However, the higher rated filter makes the blower work harder to force the cooled air through the filter in the unit.

Leaking ducts can reduce the unit’s efficiency by up to one third. Leaks can be located using smoke from an incense stick. Once leaks are found they should be sealed using the appropriate material for the size of the leaks. Insulating ducts that pass through spaces that are not cooled can help to reduce the home cooling costs.

Adding a programmable thermostat offers an affordable way to reduce the cooling used when everyone is away from home. The device can also increase the cooling automatically a while before you return in order to have the home at a comfortable setting for you. These devices bring a significant savings for homes that sit empty most of the day. Do not shut down the cooling system completely when leaving for just a day. It will have to work harder to bring the temperature and humidity to an acceptable level.

The air conditioning compressor and condenser are normally located outside the house, near its foundation. The unit requires a minimum of 24 inches of clear space surrounding the unit. Eliminate hanging branches, shrubs, leaves and tall grass nearby. A screen can be used to shade the unit but must follow the 24 inch rule. Direct sunlight reduces efficiency by up to 10%.

Close drapes or blinds during the day to prevent heat gain from the sun. Awnings are useful at shading southerly and westerly windows that are affected by intense sun. Fans are useful at improving the circulation of the air that is cooled.

Have units serviced professionally by a technician every year. The service should be scheduled before the beginning of the cooling season. Units that are not serviced lose efficiency each year they are neglected.

The federal government has required AC units to be more efficient today than they were a decade ago. Efficiency is rated using a SEER number. The minimum allowable is a 13. Units with ratings higher than this can provide more efficiency. However, selecting an efficient unit and not maintaining it can cause it to operate at a much lower efficiency.

With the use of air conditioning San Antonio residents have a cool place to spend the summer. Regular maintenance can help to reduce energy consumption. Well designed units allow homes to remain comfortable when the outside temperature seems unbearable.

You can visit the website lighthouseairconditioning.com for more helpful information about With Air Conditioning San Antonio Residents Enjoy Summer Cooling

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