Why It Is Important To Keep Your Gutters Clean And Working Properly

If you become a homeowner you have the responsibility of doing home maintenance. We are going to discuss why it is important to keep your gutters clean and debris free. Most homeowners will forget, or just not think about this task. We will also go over how to physically clean your gutters out. Please use safety measures when tackling this job.

When it gets to the point where the gutters are full of yard debris, then that the water will stop draining. The weight of the debris along with the water will get heavy. The heavier it gets the more likely that the screws will pull away from the wall causing the system to fall to the ground. Yard clippings are light in comparison to water.

Most gutters are installed just below the top of the roof line. There is a facia board behind it. This piece of wood can get soaked with water, the longer the water sits the more the wood will absorb it and cause it to rot. Also sitting water will draw the mosquitoes, they will lay their eggs in stagnate water and then you will have a pest problem.

Now that the decision has been made to finally clean up that gutter, you will need a pair of gloves, a small garbage bag, and small shovel and the ladder. Find a friend to hold the ladder secure while you work. Using your hand or shovel dig out all the sticks and yard trash, do this in each gutter. Then rinse with the garden hose while checking for good strong water flow.

A good habit to get into would be to check the gutter hardware, if it needs to be tightened then do so. The look around the rest of your yard for anything that needs repairing or anything that could hurt someone. Everyone wants their yards to be safe for those that we love.

At this point, you can see how not to overlook gutter maintenance. Make it a habit to clean them twice each year, and to check them in between. As long as there is no rotten wood and debris in them you are fine. The cleaning itself is not a hard thing to do, just be safety conscience about it and you will be fine.

Finding a gutter cleaning service in London is easy when you know where to look. Gutter repairs and renovations by courteous and experienced staff will keep your home looking great!

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