Tips To Become An Expert In Organic Gardening

There are as many types of gardeners as there are types of gardens, but no matter what your gardening style is, there are certain things every garden has in common and certain ideas will apply to all gardening. Here are some tips that are relevant for all gardeners and many types of gardens.

Make a handy twine dispenser from old clay pots. To always have gardening twine ready to use, take an old clay pot, and place it in your garden where you want your twine dispenser to be. Then place your ball of twine in it, and turn a second clay pot upside down. Thread the twine through the drainage hole of the upside down pot and place it on top of the bottom pot. You now have a handy dispenser!

Slide your fingernails against a bar of soap to prevent dirt from getting under your nails. The dirt doesn’t necessarily hurt you, but you will save time and effort when cleaning your hands later. Instead of having to dig underneath your nails, you can just use a nailbrush to quickly remove the soap residue.

Before planting anything, clean up as much as possible the area where you plan on having flowers or any other delicate plants. Remove all the weeds and the grass if you think it is necessary. Your flowers should not have any competitors for the nutrients they need while they grow.

To make birds stay away from the produce you’re growing in your garden, tie mylar balloons near your plants. These will scare away the birds and keep your fruit and veggies safe until you’re ready to pick them. Silver balloons or balloons that sparkle in the sun make especially effective bird repellents.

Use your leftover pasta water in your garden! Plants are big starch fans and thrive with water that contains higher levels of starch, like the water left over after you boil pasta or potatoes. Make sure, though, that you let the water sit until it reaches room temperature prior to watering your plants with it!

Any garden and gardener can benefit from these tips, whether your ideal garden is huge or tiny, whether you prefer flowers or vegetables, whether you like exotic plants or native plants. With this advice in your gardening tool shed, your gardening skills might improve so much that all your gardener friends will want to know your secrets.

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