The Top Ways To Have A Clean Bathroom

It can be a challenge to keep a bathroom its cleanest. Whether its function is to be a guest powder room or a full sized shower and bath area, both rooms can be difficult to maintain without a proper schedule. There are many cleaning tricks that you can try in attempt to have a clean washroom. When you follow some key points in a washroom cleaning routine, you and your family will enjoy using such clean environments.

When you are cleaning a washroom on a consistent basis, it might be handy to make up a box of useful supplies and materials. This box might have some important things in it, that you will use each time your washroom is cleaned. It could have; mops, brooms and a garbage bag, mirror cleaner, toilet bowl agent, sprays and brushes. A mop and broom that is used only for the washroom can accompany the kit, to stay close for the person cleaning it.

The tub and toilet are good places to start when you want to start a cleaning routine. That is because these areas require soaking. Some tub cleaner can be added so a bath of hot soapy water. This can soak for a few minutes. Toilet bowl cleaning fluid can also be poured into the toilet and let to sit for a bit. As these important areas are becoming clean, you can move on to other areas of the room.

Most people store items on the counter top, this is a good time to organize these items and possibly put them away, while you use some sprays in the area. The mirror will be sprayed down, followed by the sink area, faucet and counter top. While you are cleaning you can also check other spots in the washroom that might be dirty. Things like; the cupboards, door and walls might be places that need a quick wipe down.

Before you spray your tiles with a cleaner spray, you should wipe the tub area and tiles with the soapy cleaner that has been soaking. This water will be nice and warm and the perfect temperature for getting off the scum that can accumulate onto tub and tile areas.

The entire toilet should be cleaned to a shine. That involves wiping the outside of the bowl, the seat and under the seat. When everything is wiped down, you can then use a brush to hand scrub the inside. When you use your gloved hands to scrub away at the inside of the bowl, it can become amazingly clean.

Many people clean their floors by hand, as they feel that a mop just doesn’t get the floors as clean as they could. Before they are cleaned by hand or mop, they will need to be swept or vacuumed to get rid of any loose particles.

A full cleaning schedule can keep your bathroom as clean as possible for your family and guests. When you do this about once during the week, your effort will not go unnoticed. The rest of the week, you can simply wipe down the main counter area with a cleaner and rag.

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