The NPMA-33 Termite Inspection Form

If you have termites, or if you think that you do, you will need to get a termite inspector or pest control company to call and make an inspection for you. This could be laden with risks of scam inspectors and phony pest control firms, if it were not for the The National Pest Management Association.

The National Pest Management Association is the nationwide governing body for pest control experts in the United States. Whoever you call out to give you a pest control report, survey or quotation, has to be a member of The National Pest Management Association or give them a wide berth.

When someone comes to do a survey for you, ask to see his NPMA ID card and ring them up to check that they really are registered. If they are not, do not employ the company and once they have left your property, phone the police and report them as potential con men.

Pest controllers who are truly registered with the The National Pest Management Association will use an NPMA-33 Termite Inspection Form to present their report. These forms are issued by the NPMA to their members.

There can be facsimilies of the NPMA-33 Termite Inspection Form floating around scam rings and the Internet, so you cannot use sight of an NPMA-33 Termite Inspection Form as proof of bona fide pest controllers.

The NPMA-33 will hold all the details of the termite inspection and will supply copies of the report for you, the NPMA and the pest control company. The inspection sheet will also have a unique reference number so that the survey can be easily retrieved again.

The NPMA-33 Termite Inspection Form is a very valuable document as it can be used as evidence during the sale of a property. It can be asked for by the buyer or the estate agents or the seller can offer one voluntarily. The NPMA-33 is proof that the house has been inspected and given the all-clear or that it had termites and that they have been eradicated.

The NPMA-33 Termite Inspection Form is very straightforward and easy to understand, so should not be mystery of technological gobbledygook to whomever paid for it.

The first part of the document specifies the property that was surveyed and the name and registration number of the company that carried out the survey. The registration number does not refer to their NPMA membership number, but to their state license to function as a pest control firm.

The second section of the form gives details of the commissioner of the survey and the actual person who carried out the survey along with his or her license number to operate as a pest control inspector. The next part deals with any problems found and how to remedy them.

There should be no section or even space or field left blank on the The NPMA-33 Termite Inspection Form. When it has been finished, copies should be given to interested people and agreements about remedial work made. It is a question of mutual agreement whether the corrective work is carried out by the vendor or the buyer.

Owen Jones, the author of this article, writes on many subjects, but is at present concerned with types of termites. If you are interested in this or if you are wondering: What Does A Termite Look Like?. Please go to our web site now for more details.

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