Starting A Window Washing Business

For people with an idea of a window washing business this is one of the simplest ventures to start. It requires minimal training, low start up capital and is always in demand. But this said a person ought to consider certain things before jumping into this activity. This is because without proper understanding of what this activity entails and not having a proper plan, this business may fail.

Proper research is therefore crucial before taking any action. One has to determine if there is market for the service in the area. The market can involve dealing with commercial windows or residential. An individual should therefore determine which market he wants to engage in. There are those people who can handle both markets. A person should also be aware if there is any competition for the business.

If there are competitors in this venture, one should research their strong points as well as their weak areas. The individual then takes advantage of the weak points and start something that will cover those points. If one will be the first one to start this service in a particular place, care should be taken to ensure that all the needs of clients in the area are met.

It is also good that a person considers the kind of technology that will be used in the process of cleaning. This kind of activity is a low technology one though technology has had immense impact in some areas. For instance there was the invention of a tucker pole that enables a person to clean windows more than 35feet high while still on the ground.

Technology aside, the individual should possess certain skills in order to run this venture well. A person should be one always willing to serve people since this undertaking involves provision of services. The individual should be easy to approach and has good customer relationship skills. He should also be a time keeper able to manage his time well.

To make the undertaking legal, the individual will have to apply for a permit. But there are certain rules and regulations within which this business is governed that a person ought to be aware of. One should only apply for the permit if meets all the requirements. With a license in hand, next is getting equipment necessary for work and they include; squeegees of different sizes, washing buckets, cleaning solutions, hand brushes, rags and a ladder.

Pricing of the services should also be determined before advertising. One should research around the area and find out how much people will be willing to pay for such a service. The price should then be set not very low or very high, but reasonable and affordable. When it comes to advertising, one can use catchy posters, magnetic signs placed on the business vehicle or simply visit stores and residential places and marketing the service.

After considering the all the above factors and commencing the window washing business, an operator should ensure the venture remains relevant. He should ensure to practice professionalism always, have proper personal image, be organized, always arrive for work on time and thank clients always. These practices will ensure one attracts and maintains clients.

You can visit the website for more helpful information about Information On Starting A Window Washing Business

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