Reasons To Hire An Arborist In Plano TX

Trees provide comforting shade and privacy while adding an aesthetic value to the surrounding property. Most people are unaware of the procedures necessary to properly care for the trees around their home or business. A skilled arborist in Plano TX is someone who can help customers care for diseased trees, eliminate damaging insects, offer ongoing care, and remove trees that deteriorate to the point they die.

Hiring an arborist to care for trees is a wise investment for property owners. Healthy trees improve curb appeal and can add to overall property value. Unhealthy or poorly maintained trees look bad and can be a safety hazard. This is so because they are in danger of losing branches and can even fall over if they have extensive damage.

Regular maintenance is necessary for healthy trees and they will continue to grow in value as they age if they receive the proper care. Periodic inspections by a qualified tree specialist will detect disease, insect infestation, or damage caused by environmental factors in their early stages. This allows time for treatment to prevent the tree from dying.

Occasional pruning is necessary to remove unhealthy branches. This helps trees maintain their structural integrity and reduces the risk of falling branches causing physical injury or property damage. Arborists have the special tools and skills necessary to complete this task safely. Certain types of trees require pruning to maintain their shape and appearance.

Tree specialists perform a service called thinning the canopy. This requires cutting off branches near the top that are dead or growing in different directions from the branches around them. Performing this task offers some protection from high winds and lets sunlight filter through the canopy to nourish plants growing near the base of a tree.

Because oak trees are so popular in this region of Texas, oak wilt is a common disease. This fungal disease is fatal to trees because it impedes their ability to draw water from the roots to the branches and leaves. Red oak trees are more susceptible to this disease than white oaks. The disease spreads quickly from tree to tree. Arborists currently do not have a cure but they can provide fungicidal injections to halt the spread. If the injections are delivered during the early stages, it can extend the life of the tree.

Removal is never preferable but it may be the only solution for trees damaged or diseased beyond repair. Various techniques will bring a tree down safely. Trained arborists can handle this job without damage to surrounding property.

After removing a tree, professional arborists can eliminate the stump. Stumps detract from the appearance of the property and offer the ideal environment for insects to thrive. Allowing these pests to remain on the property can lead to damage of other trees, shrubbery, and grass.

Hiring an arborist to care for trees is an effective way for property owners to protect their investment. Healthy trees contribute more to overall property value as they mature. In addition to improving appearance, they offer shade from sunlight and protection from wind as well as providing privacy when planted in strategic locations.

Read more about Reasons To Hire An Arborist In Plano TX.

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