Orem Lawn Care Emphasizes Water Conservation

Utah is one of the most spectacularly beautiful areas in the United States. Early settlements to the east of the Great Salt Lake have matured into modern cities where residents enjoy a semi-desert climate in the shadow of the Wasatch mountains. Like most areas of the West, demand for limited water supplies is increasing as population grows. Orem lawn care focuses on maintaining a healthy appearance without wasting this finite resource.

Homes surrounded by an expanse of green turf are an American tradition that works best in regions where the ecosystem receives enough water to support a wide variety of other plants. Although lush cottage gardens are a romantic ideal, that concept is not easily translated to arid climates. Besides being more costly to maintain, achieving that look takes effort, time, and resources.

In this area, homeowners most commonly plant Kentucky Bluegrass, a variety which thrives when temperatures do not regularly exceed eighty-five degrees. Summer heat in Utah can stress individual plants, resulting in yellowing and withering. Even in seasons of normal rainfall, additional watering is a requirement. Many towns have established strict rules governing water use, and in some areas violators face fines.

The current regional drought has become impossible to ignore, and has forced many people to consider whether it still makes sense to turn on the sprinkler system every day. Maintaining a healthy, green appearance requires applying around one inch of water per week, depending on actual precipitation. No matter how carefully the flow is monitored, some runoff is inevitable, and can add chemicals to the ground water.

For the best results, timers for sprinklers should activate the system in the early hours before dawn. Grounds with several water stations are most effectively hydrated in around thirty minutes, and the early hour allows plants to absorb liquid before the most intense heat. Watering in the evening is not recommended, because it spurs the growth of fungi, creating circular barren spots.

Many soils in this region are not grass-friendly, and require the regular addition of fertilizers. For every 1000 square feet of Bluegrass, 2.5 pounds of a nitrogen-based compound helps sustain healthy growth patterns. Adding excess amounts can cause yellowing as root systems struggle to keep pace with rapid growth top-side. Too many nutrients at one time may result in thinning and fertilizer burn.

Insects are attracted to healthy lawns, and in this area they include sod webworms, white grubs, billbugs, and others. Pesticides are effective, but kill indiscriminately, wiping out good and bad bugs alike. When used with few controls, pesticides become environmentally hazardous. They are a valuable tool that should be used sparingly, and most experts recommend focusing on improving grass health rather than applying toxins.

Using a reputable local landscape service is a good way to keep grass healthy while practicing conservation. A local lawn-care company evaluates all facets of maintenance and management, saving time, and eliminating the need for guesswork. From pest and weed control to optimal fertilization and sprinkler system operations, regularly scheduled care allows homeowners to enjoy their own patch of turf with a minimum of water consumption.

Read more about Orem Lawn Care Faces Unique Challenges.

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