Living Green to Give Our Kids a Healthy Future Post 3326.40

We inhabit a world where toxins are adversely affecting everything in nature, and we\’re seeing terrible effects like acid rain and global warming. It looks as if we\’re dismissing the damage we\’re doing to this amazing planet of ours. How wonderful it would be if we could breathe natural air in our cities, uncontaminated by poisons and toxins due to our way of living. We\’re already paying the price, though, for the pollution we keep creating; the environment and our physical well-being is being made vulnerable by the air\’s toxicity.

We humans cannot avoid the fallout from the terrible effect that pollution, such as oil and chemical spills, is having on our oceans and all its inhabitants. Lots of fishing jobs that were reliant on the healthy bounty of the sea have been wiped out. Neighborhoods have depended on fishing for hundreds of years, for both food and economic prospects, and now all of this is coming to an end for many. Still fresh in our memories is the Deepwater Horizon spill, which gave abundant testimony to the disastrous consequences of oil spills, causing the loss of many jobs and costing billions of dollars. The complete ecosystem was damaged by the large numbers of wildlife that perished, avian as well as marine, causing consequences along the whole of the food chain. All as a result of humans and their desire for oil, with hardly a thought, except in hindsight, for Mother Earth and her many other children.

Instead of investing in existing green energy methodologies and further research into innovative possibilities, we persist in spending billions of dollars on oil exploration. The prospect of providing large amounts of green energy is huge, without damaging the environment. One would think it\’s a no-brainer, given the possibilities offered by green energy alternatives, along with their being passive towards the environment. One alternative which is able to heat water and also provide electricity, is solar panels, which are very efficient in sunny locations. A further green energy source is wind turbines, which will transform energy contained in wind to electricity. This is all solid information you are getting here today on the subject of free nursing ceu. We encourage you to seriously look at the backdrop of your own life and how what you are reading about will help. Whether or not every single point or item will totally apply to you is unknown to us, so we try to present a good overview. We tend to believe a firm foundation with a broad base is effective. That is would be the ideal scenario, here, but you will not always have the time to do what is necessary for that to happen. Since you know what you need about this, then be careful you do not waste time in other areas. At least until your knowledge is broader, try to determine what directly applies to you if possible. So long as the wind blows – and some turbines work efficiently at lower wind speeds – a wind turbine will work, which is a neat advantage. Oil damages the environment and it will at some point run out, so it\’s crucial to invest in green energy production now more than ever. If we did that, global warming plus the other ruinous results of pollution could very well be stopped, and just possibly reversed.

The first beneficiaries would be ourselves, and of course our descendants in the longer term. As an alternative to being at the mercy of severe weather patterns and harsh living conditions, our children, and their children, could live happily in a clean, beautiful, and bounteous environment. But unless we begin living green and looking after our environment, this won\’t happen.

It will be worth all the money, time and huge effort required, if we can stop the unyielding march of the harm we are doing to our planet.

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