Know The Proper Reseeding Methods For Great Lawn Service Olney

With the right lawn service methods you can have that enviable healthy grass that is dense and looks fresh. Grass like any other plant after years of growth, its ability to reproduce well and often reduces. Even with proper mowing and fertilizing habits, the grass reaches appoint that it grows thin and even brown patches can be spotted through Lawn Service Olney .

At this point, what you need to do is remove the old grass and plant new grass. This is possible without uprooting all the grass and leaving your yard bare through a process known as reseeding. Using this method you simply create room for planting new grass and the existing grass is shed off with continuous mowing afterwards.

One poor reseeding method is planting the new grass at the wrong time. When you do so, you reduce the percentage of the seeds that germinate and grow making all your effort go to water. The proper time to reseed is during autumn when the air is warm, the sun is moderate and the water can sink into the ground. Alternatively as fall tends to be busy, you can reseed the first weeks of spring and not later than that.

Begin by mowing the existing grass. Trim the grass to the shortest length that you can. This prevents the old grass casting a shadow over the seeds which limits the amount of moisture and sunlight the new plants get. You need water and air to get to the seeds for optimum growth.

Instead of leaving the clippings to decompose clear the yard of them and any other debris. This involves removing old grass thatches as well. To do a thorough job, get a thatch rake instead of the usual grass rake used to remove leaves. Clear a yard of anything that might prevent the new grass from growing well.

The next thing is to prepare the soil for planting. Do so with an aerator which loosens the soil compressed by months of traffic on the yard. Aeration is very important as it allows water, air and the necessary nutrients to reach to the seeds. To prevent weeds growing competing with the new grass, do not loosed the soil too much.

Plant the seed with a good spreader. A spreader allows for regular planting of the seed. If done unevenly you will end up with patches of grass when it grows. You can pass over the yard with a rake to make sure that the seed falls uniformly all over. Once this is done, uniformly spread fertilizer over the yard making sure it is the slow releasing kind of fertilizer.

Finally, do not take a rest before properly watering the seeds. The first 3 weeks are the most crucial for germination so water the lawn constantly. 3 times a day is sufficient during hours when the sun is at its lowest. After germination, water less times but each session water for a longer period.

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