Installation Services – Long Island Sprinkler

It is absolutely necessary that you have regular maintenance done on your sprinkler system and water your lawn properly if you want to have your lawn to stay green in the summertime. You should water your lawn in the morning every other day in the summertime. If you don\’t have a sprinkler system and want one, the best place to go to have one installed in Long Island Sprinkler Installation Services.

The sprinkler that you have installed should have the capability to water your garden or lawn for 40 minutes per zone if your lawn has the soil that is primarily clay. It should also be able to water your garden or lawn for 20 minutes per zone it your lawn is well drained and somewhat sandy. Since you\’ll increase the possibility of trees contracting a disease as a result of the leaf surfaces not drying and you shouldn\’t do your lawn watering in the evening when it is late. You should water your lawn in the early morning or as a close to when the sun is coming up as you can. This will reduce the wetness of the leaves of your trees and permit the soil to absorb the water properly. Obviously you\’ll need to first have to have a sprinkler system installed. For that you need to see Long Island Sprinkler Installation Services.

You should do your lawn watering for about five to seven minutes in the daytime to prevent your grass from wilting after your sprinkler system has been installed. Also you should cut your lawn a little higher than usual. Your lawn should be cut at least three inches tall so that it will be better able to handle the stresses of the environment and require less watering. This will also not allow the germination of any seeds of weeds that may be buried in your lawn, which will permit an easier control of weeds, by preventing them from reaching the sunlight.

Long Island Sprinkler Installation Services knows what the precise watering requirements are for the New York area. The amount of water that your garden or lawn requires is dependent on factors that include the time of day, the season of the year, and if the lawn is in partial of full shade. Green lawns, lush gardens, and healthy trees all have different watering needs. You need to make sure that the sprinkler system that you have installed can provide the correct amount of water at the correct time so that you can provide the proper amount of water.

Long Island Sprinkle System Installation Services can install home irrigations systems, underground sprinkler systems, and all types of sprinkler systems for your garden or lawn. They will help you to maximize and fine tune your existing schedule for watering your lawn.

Click here to find Long Island Sprinkler Installation and Irrigation Contractor.

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