Infrared Technology And Termite Detection

Infrared technology has been used for decades to hunt for humans and other animals. It even has uses in various fields of science and technology, but until quite recently, no one had had the idea of using infrared to locate termites and other insects. When, you hear about it, it makes sense, because a huge number of animals working and living together will produce heat, even if they are termites.

However, now that the link between infrared and termite detection has been made and there are devices on the market, specialized pest controllers have welcomed the new technology with open arms and adopted it into their armoury of weapons against termites that occupy our homes. Nowadays, thousands of forward-thinking pest control businesses can offer termite location by means of infrared cameras.

Now, these infrared cameras are not cheap, but as with all other forms of new technology, the price is dropping as there is more and more demand. This will have a big effect on the cost of a termite survey, because formerly, people had to go digging holes all over the place to find the nest. You see the real issue is that the most destructive termites are subterranean, that is to say, their nests are underground.

It was always very difficult to find and destroy the nest and nearly all the harm caused to timber in the USA is done by these subterranean species of termites. The latest estimate I can find for termite damage and prevention in the USA is $11 billion – but that was in 1999. More than a decade ago!

Prior to these infrared termite location cameras coming on the market, the method of finding termite runs, was to tap a joist and listen to determine if it was a little bit hollow. Then, the expert would break the timber open to see whether he was correct. Discovering termite galleries or walkways by this method was necessarily damaging and so not optimal.

Furthermore, disturbing termite workers in this way, causes them to signal a retreat and they all go back to the nest. This can reduce the efficiency of further detection and consequent spraying. The termite pest control industry was looking for a way around this problem for a long time.

Then along came the infrared termite location camera. So, nowadays, a termite exterminator does not even have to disturb much, he can sneak quietly around the property inserting the lens of the video camera into nooks and crannies and see what is happening. The camera lens is on a stem which allows it to be pushed into galleries in timber and earth to make following them back to the nest easier.

The infrared termite location camera has taken the struggle against the termite on to a new level. It has also lowered the amount of damage that an examination for termites leads to and it should bring the cost of a survey down as well. The only thing that an infrared termite detection camera cannot help you with is the cost of getting rid of the termites if you actually do have an infestation.

Owen Jones, the author of this article, writes on many subjects, but is at present involved with Termidor termite treatment – a termite killer. If you are interested in this or if you are wondering: What Does A Termite Look Like?. Please go to our web site now for further details.

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