How To Paint Shabby Chic Pieces

If you have pieces of furniture in your home that you would like to give a different look, they might benefit from being redone in a shabby chic style. This is a fun and attractive way to make standard pieces look very original. Learning how to paint shabby chic furniture is a very simple process that you can apply to many different things around your home.

The first step is to make sure that whatever you will be painting has been properly cleaned and prepared. It should obviously not be dirty at all, and if there are a great deal of bumps and inconsistencies on the surface, you may want to sand it down. If it has hardware such as knobs or handles installed on it, you should also remove these, unless you plan to apply paint to them as well.

Before you begin painting, you should obviously know what color will work the best for your project. Light colors such as pastels, or even simple white, are usually the most effective for this look. Depending on the piece and on your work area, you may decide to use spray paints or brush paints, either of which are fine.

One coat will likely not be enough to cover things sufficiently, so make sure you budget enough time for multiple ones. Allow each to dry in between applications, and do not try to rush it or you may end up with a lumpy, uneven surface. When everything is satisfactory, you can move on to the next part of the process.

From here, you have a few options as to how to proceed, and a good place to start is by considering using sandpaper to create the weathered look you want. When your final coat is either totally dry or still just a little dampened, use one sheet of sandpaper to remove small amounts from the parts that would be the most likely to wear down as you normally used it. If it looks uneven and natural, you are on the right track.

The other methods that can be used follow the same basic pattern as sandpapering. Using a damp rag to wipe away bits of color can be accomplished during the drying process, and usually requires less time and elbow grease. It is easy to wipe away more than you intended accidentally, however. You can also apply petroleum jelly to some areas and then wipe it away, removing the paint with it.

No matter how you decide to proceed, when you are finished, make sure you clean everything carefully. When you move your piece into its new location, there should be no danger of chips or dust falling on your floor. The last thing to do is replace the hardware, either with new themed parts or with the original ones you removed before painting.

Knowing how to paint shabby chic styles is a very valuable skill that many people will envy. You can use it as often as you like, both in your home and for friends who will love your results. Enjoy the new look that you can get from old furniture!

Learn top tips on how to paint shabby chic when you take a look at this website Alternatively, visit the related homepage right now.

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