How To Choose The Right Type Of Garden For You

Gardening while a fun hobby, can be demanding. The garden type dictates the way you in which you will work. Filled with bright flowers or delectable vegetables, the amount of care you provide your garden will be dependent on the type. In this article we will discuss a few varieties of garden, one of which you may desire to plant.

Many consider the French garden to be exceedingly orderly and proper. These gardens were traditionally found on large estates, but you can modify the idea for smaller spaces as well. A garden with elaborate paths etched with well trimmed trees or hedges is the calling card of a French garden. Mazes and topiaries, that may include the forms of animals trimmed from shrubs and other plants, are regularly discovered on stately properties. This type of garden is very symmetrical, with exact geometrical lines. Fountains or pools and other adornments are also found and add to the garden\’s sense of lavishness.

The look of a wildflower garden is enjoyed by some but others opt for the appearance of cultivated flowers. These gardens, if you use wildflowers that can be found naturally in your zone, are easy to keep up with and create a natural ambiance. Seeds can be purchased from garden stores or greenhouses or you can transplant flowers from a rural area. While care must be taken with wildflowers, they do not normally call for as much care as flowers that are cultivated. Plant your garden with a lush assortment of flowers that bloom throughout the year.

Native gardens are becoming more popular these days as we see more people shopping and eating locally. These gardens only use flowers and plants that are native to your area. This is something many people do for environmental reasons, as native plants are best for the local soil, as well as the insects and animals that are in the area.

Throughout history we can see that lots of people gardened like this without giving it a thought, so even though it sounds like a new concept it isn\’t. This kind of garden is very easy to maintain due to the plants in it being from the local area, so you don\’t have to do anything fancy to keep them alive. While you can revere many different varieties of gardens, the type you plant needs to be centered around aesthetic and practical motives. For instance, if you are in an arid climate, a tropical garden would not be suitable. That\’s an extreme example, but the point is to keep your environment in mind when choosing what to plant. Additionally, non-native plants can be chosen if it is possible to bring them inside should the temperature drop to an unbearable level, for example.

Your carefully planned garden will look even better in a beautifully landscaped front or backyard which can be completed for you by a quality Toronto landscaping design and contractor.

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