How Lawn Maintenance In Attica IN Is Done

Lawn maintenance is a demanding job, but if well done, the results can be stunning. Market value and the aesthetic beauty of a property can be raised a lot by a well maintained lawn. The process of attaining a healthy lawn should begin immediately the land is sawn with seed. Lawn maintenance in Attica IN is of high quality because it is done by professionals.

Watering, pest control, fertilizing, mowing, aerating, fighting diseases, de-thatching, and weeding are some of the activities involved in the maintenance process. Watering is usually done first before the other events in most cases. Heavy watering is encouraged and must only be carried out only when the grass is in need of water. Most grasses do not do well with light frequent watering.

Heavy watering is encouraged because the water gets to the roots encouraging deep and extensive root systems. Recommendations require the soil to be soaked to a depth of 20 cm whenever irrigation is done. When watering, soil type and climatic conditions should be considered a lot. Loss of water through evaporation can be minimized by watering in cool weather such as early mornings and late evenings.

Mowing is important because it reduces the workload on the root system. Less foliage demands less water and nutrients from the soil hence making the roots to do little work. Mowing also encourages grass plant to expand. This helps lawns to grow thicker and heavier. As such, the grass can resist weeds and diseases better. Frequent mowing is encouraged during the growing season. When mowing, not more than a third of the leaves should be chopped off. Losing too much foliage can ruin growth.

Seasons should be used to determine mowing height. For example, taller grass does better in cold seasons than in hot ones. In addition, mowing patterns need to be alternated with every instance of mowing. This can be done by altering the direction of mowing from south-north to west-east. Mower blades must be sharp enough to give a clean cut.

Fertilizers must be used to supplement the nutrients supplied by soil every once in a while. Frequent mowing can lead to increased uptake of nutrients that may sometimes be too much for the soil to supply. This makes fertilizers to become handy. Fertilizer should be applied one or two times in a year. Normally slow-acting commercial granular fertilizers are encouraged. This is because they maintain a constant supply of nutrients for months unlike water soluble fertilizers that deplete fast. Another fertilizer option is natural fertilizers.

Soil compaction is highly caused by frequent mowing and foot traffic. When the soil becomes too much compacted, oxygen is prevented from reaching microbes underground. Microbes are responsible for breaking down organic matter to enrich soil. Occasional aerating opens up compacted soil. This can be best achieved using a manual or power-core aerator.

Moisture can be preserved by thatch in the grass. Too much thatch however does more damage than good by blocking oxygen and water from the roots. For that reason, the thickness of thatch should be kept below 6 mm at all times.

When you want information about lawn maintenance in Attica IN, locals can go to our web pages online here today. Details are available at now.

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