Growing Plants In North Carolina

Among 4000 different native plants in north Carolina you’ll find some of the most beautiful trees, shrubs and wildflowers. Thanks to the fact all those plants grow there naturally, and were not introduced by any human action, they are all very well adapted to natural climate condition and soil characteristics. Resistant to various insects in this area, they are easy to maintain and make a perfect choice when you are planning your garden.

It is important to save your natural heritage, not only plants, but also the wildlife depending on them. Shrubs and trees provide food and shelter to numerous birds and small animals, and flowers feed insects, especially bees. Taking care of plants is taking care of your environment in general. Besides, it will be much easier to maintain them.

North Carolina consists of four different climate regions, and they all support different plants. Mountains, for example, support mainly evergreens, thanks to their climate conditions, acidic soil and heights. Pines and hickories are perfectly happy there. Maple and hemlock rather live on moist slopes. Various flowering trees and wild flowers choose other areas.

North Carolina offers over four thousands native species, and over seven hundreds of them are considered rare. Today, more than 160 rare species are endangered, and have to be especially protected. That’s why there are 18 plant conservation preserves all over the state. All endangered species, including numerous beautiful wildflowers are preserved there.

Small trees can find their place in almost every garden. The smallest ones will never become high and impressive, but they are still very decorative. For example which-hazel or fringe tree will look very nice if combined with flowering dogwood and maybe some evergreen species such as American holly. Red cedar always look very nice.

Of course, if you can provide enough space for them, you can grow red maple or even river birch or American linden. If you would like to have something really attractive, choose tulip tree, and maybe red spruce. There are so many species that enjoy being on sun, and provide lovely shade in return.

Shrubs are widely popular and appreciated for their beauty, easy maintenance and especially fast growth. They are usually divided into three categories, small, medium sized and large. Small shrubs are very nice to have, and they usually have very interesting flowers. Sweet fern is quite popular among smallest species. Sweet shrub is a little bit larger and it goes very well with Flame azalea, for example. Silky willow has a very nice name, and it looks quite interesting.

Great choice of lovely wildflowers is something this state is especially proud of. Wild Columbine, blue star and Green dragon are maybe some of the most popular ones, including delicate lobelias in variety of colors and other interesting species. Geraniums are especially luxurious and attractive, and you will enjoy having them in your garden.

Even a smallest garden can become a small paradise, if you treat it right. Your patio or even terrace can become luxuriously colorful if you plant only a few vines there. Hydrangea is very good choice, as well as Virgin’s bower. Don’t forget about Passion flower. Beautiful native plants in North Carolina will make your garden astonishingly beautiful.

The finest plants in North Carolina can be seen on To view our gallery right now, click this source

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