Gardening In Colder Seasons

Fall and winter can be the bane of any gardener. When the freezing temperatures and gloomy weather come sweeping through, most gardeners take that as a sign that it’s time to hang up the hand shovels and knee pads for the season. But actually, horticulture enthusiasts don’t need to give up their hobby completely during the colder seasons. Sure, it’s a good time to do read about new gardening trends and techniques, but there’s also some physical gardening activities that are doable in winter.

The fall and winter seasons are ideal to start your garden in spring with a clean slate. Any dead plant material should be removed in fall, and any cuttings that aren’t diseased can be composted. Healthy seeds can be stored for planting next year. If stored in proper conditions, some seeds can stay viable for years. There are preparations you can make to the beds and, such as laying mulch. With the flowerbeds and grass not crowding as much in the cold winter, you’ll find it easier to work with less clutter. The more preparations you make before spring, the less there is to do by the time growing season comes.

Winter is also an ideal time to check over your tools. It’ll be far less costly to be new or replacement tools during that time of year than in spring and summer. You can also plant some types of vegetation indoors during winter, allowing them to soak up the sun’s rays through a nicely-lit window. If you start early, the plants may have already grown to decent size, and you can place them outside in the garden when the weather starts getting warmer.

Having to prune trees is easier and safer in wintertime as well (so long as it’s not wet and slick), since there will be no leaves getting in the way of reaching the branches.

There are many things you can do to get your garden ready for the gardening season during the fall and winter months. And the better prepared you are ahead of time, the less effort you’ll have to make once the season begins.

Gardening in fall and winter can bring a lot of advantages, and make that beautiful garden that much more attainable. McCaleb Homes is known for constructing beautiful new homes in Oklahoma City OK, and gives much credence to the claim that a well-maintained garden can really bring out the beauty of a new home.

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