Facts Why Wooden Sash Windows Will Last Longer The Modern Plastic Sash Windows Are Many

The reasons why wooden sash windows will last longer than modern plastic sash windows can be seen in houses that are over one hundred years old. Some, if not all, of the original windows are still standing on the homes.

In climates where the elements are harsh, the wooden windows will, no doubt, suffer. But they can be restored, refurbished and replaced to last more than a hundred years again.

The way homes were built a hundred and fifty years ago proves that the structure was sound, and the windows are still more or less intact. They did not have sealants, but somehow these windows stood up to the snow and rains.

Plastic sash windows are very attractive. They look perfect and can be any color. And they will last a few years, looking untouched if regularly cleaned and polished. But eventually, they will become brittle and crack, the paint will chip and peel, and they will have to be replaced. They cannot be redone, reconditioned, or sanded and painted again in a cost effective manner. If you love them, you could try. But the best thing is to just buy another sash window, and begin that life cycle in the home.

New plastic windows are not cheap. But they are beautiful and modern looking. They may be able to open three different ways to let in the fresh air. They will stay attractive and wonderful with simple regular cleaning. And you may be able to get a guaranty on these plastic sash windows for up to ten years, or maybe more. But the fact that this is all they will be guaranteed for should tell you that their life span is very limited.

There are companies that restore hundred year old windows and older. They can make these windows look like they did when they were new. The restoration process may be costly, and some windows may even need to be replaced completely, but they will now be treated and sealed and will last perhaps another hundred years, with regular maintenance.

So when you do your redecorating and you are deciding on what type of materials your windows should be, research the reasons why wooden sash windows will last longer the modern plastic sash windows. You will be glad you invested in the wooden ones for your lifetime and for the life of your home.

To get with the sash window repair company, you can refer to search on the Web for information. The sash window restoration company is the best business to fix your windows fast and easy.

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