Elderly Caregiving over the Holidays

The Holidays tend to be a stressful season for most people, and are often times even more stressful for caregivers. Holiday visits can be a great time to check-up on your loved one and have a positive impact on their care.

As some people age, they need more help with their day-to-day activities. A Holiday visit is the perfect opportunity to evaluate your loved one’s situation. First, take a moment to assess your loved one’s appearance. Weight loss and decreased personal hygiene are both signs that there may be a problem. Similarly, unopened mail or forgetting to refill prescriptions both point to a potential memory loss. If your elderly family member is no longer doing things he once enjoyed, such as visiting friends or going on weekly golf trips, there may be a physical or psychological reason for that change. Once problems are identified you can work with other family members to brainstorm a solution, which may involve speaking with a doctor.

There are several concrete things you can do that will help make Holiday visits as productive as possible. First, make sure your loved one has an emergency card in their wallet with emergency contacts, physicians’ numbers, blood type and medication regimen. If something were to happen, he or she would then be able to receive more thorough care without delay. On a similar note, if there are any scheduled doctors appointments, be sure to attend. This is a great chance to ask the doctor any questions and tell him about any observations you have made. Before you leave, be sure that your loved one has adequate food and toiletries stored at home. If not, you can accompany them on a shopping run.

Caregivers also need to take some time to care for themselves during the Holidays. Getting enough sleep and eating well are both great ways to reenergize yourself and stay healthy. It is also beneficial to have reasonable expectations; ask friends and family members for support if you need to. You can’t do it all in a limited amount of time, and there is always the next visit to complete any unfinished tasks.

As long as you approach the Holiday season with a plan, an observant eye, and the commitment to take care of yourself, there is no reason why this Holiday season can’t be a great one. Enjoy the satisfaction of being productive and having fun at the same time.

Want to find out more about senior homecare products and services, then visit Susan R. Love’s site on how to choose the best independent living products and services for your caregiving needs.

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