Easy Landscaping Tips For The Novice Landscaper

Creating the yard or garden of your dreams is not all that difficult. All it takes is learning the basics about landscaping. The following article is packed with tips and advice that will allow you to create the garden of your dreams.

Take your soil in for for testing prior to starting any landscape or gardening project. Getting your soil tested allows you to figure out what you need to change in your soil before planting anything. Your plants will be healthier and your garden more successful if you take this step.

TIP! When landscaping, use native plants if you can. When you are deciding what to plant, it is a good idea to choose shrubs, flowers and trees that do well in your area.

Pick out products that are made well and avoid cheap ones. Many home improvement shops carry items that do not cost a lot and are not of high quality. Go to a nursery or other specialty store to find quality products and people who know what they are talking about. Even if the products are more expensive, they will generally be of better quality, and the staff will be able to give good advice.

Trees and grass are nice, but they do not comprise a landscape by themselves. You should also add other natural materials such as wood, stone or even iron. Pergolas, birdbaths, archways and decks add beauty and make a yard look more interesting. These elements can be in various price ranges that can suit most budgets.

Often, people don’t think of shopping online for landscaping materials. You will find a larger selection of plants, including some that are not available at your local stores. You will also save the gas and trouble of actually going out on a shopping trip.

TIP! Make liberal use of native plant specimens. Local plants are simpler to take care of since they are used to the soil.

Unlike what most people think, you do not need to hire a designer or landscaper to do you desired projects. You will spend a lot of money in the long run that you do not need to. However, it might be a good idea to consult with a professional so you can figure out what is wrong and right about your plan.

For the inexperienced do-it-yourself landscaper, it is a good idea to consult with a professional landscaper to get their professional opinion on your design. Further, these professionals can help reduce the amount of time and money you spend on your project. Generally speaking, a professional consultation with a landscaper may cost you as much as $75.00; however, it will surely save you at least that much and probably more!

For plenty of color at a reasonable price, consider using wildflowers in your garden. Purchase wildflower seeds at your local garden center, and simply scatter them over problems areas in your yard. This will provide a visually pleasing variety of colors. They are great for bouquets.

TIP! If you include an outdoor kitchen in your backyard design, consider using granite for counters and other surfaces. While there are more inexpensive surface options, granite is often the most attractive, versatile and durable choice.

Avoid thinking that buying cheap is always best. Sometimes the quality of cheaper items is not worth the lower price tag because they break down more quickly. Whether you are new at landscaping or an old pro, try a specialty store. They will be able to guarantee your purchases and give you valuable advice on your project.

Don’t always choose the most expensive landscaping products. When looking at mulch, perennials and containers, you will notice that there is not much of a difference between the pricier and less expensive versions. Be careful when choosing your plants though. Stores that are selling them at a lower price may not have taken care of them properly.

Landscaping is an evolving process. You should not worry yourself that everything must be done immediately. It is completely acceptable to break the project into various phases that will coincide with the seasons or your budget. This will make it easier to complete both physically and financially. Write each step in the process down and choose ones that are important to do first.

TIP! Landscaping is more than just planting flowers, grasses and trees. Look around your home and see where you can add things, such as iron structures, wood, and cement.

If you have dreamed of a gorgeous yard, hopefully you have found some valuable information in this article that will help you to create it. By implementing a few of these tips, you can begin the transformation of the yard you live with to the yard you’ve always wanted!

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