Comparison Of Different Sorts Of Machines Used For Railroad Brush Cutting

There are a number of benefits associated with regular railroad brush cutting. Tools that are used for this purpose have been around for quite awhile and they fill a vital need. In order to help you choose the one that best suits your own situation, this article will look at the types that have gained popularity over the years. Usually, these offer a clean cut and are very efficient.

The first type of machine that will be discussed here is often called the On Track. This allows operators to clear vegetation up to width of around fifty feet. It saves time because it is designed to cut away shrubs on both sides simultaneously. This makes it more efficient than devices that only clear one side at a time, requiring maintenance crews to make a double pass every time they work.

While this equipment allows you to work faster, it is not designed to do this at the expense of strength. You still get a focused impact with every swipe of the blades. Thin leaves, grass, soft weeds and even young trees can be removed in one go. It can cut trunks that are up to six inches in diameter without a hassle.

High rail machinery has an advantage that tools in other categories do not possess. They are built to tackle branches and vines that are far off the ground. With a regular piece of equipment, you are likely to get most of the vegetation that is within a certain distance from the line, once it falls under a certain height. However you miss anything that is above a specific level.

If you want to reach branches that are hanging over the track, you cannot do it with a regular piece of equipment. You must get one that has arms that give the knife extra height. Large trees will produces branches that stretch for a great distance from the trunk and hover over the rail. This may impede the progress of a train or block vision.

Most shrubbery that grows above a specific height can be easily tackled with regular high range cutters. Crews which are responsible for railroad brush cutting will deal with those often. However there are more extreme situations where trees grow rapidly out of control and reach heights that are too great for those machines.

In situations like that, you must rely on the extra arm length available in machinery that has a telescopic boom. These go way up and can bring down obstructions that are over seventy feet above ground. That is about the height of eleven people yet it is still accurate at that distance.

There is one more tool that is important in railroad brush cutting. The chipper which comes with aerial lift allows teams to tackle high, heavy branches. It can crush heavy wood even at height of more than fifty feet, improving safety by removing impediments to trains.

You can visit the website for more helpful information about Comparison Of Different Sorts Of Machines Used For Railroad Brush Cutting

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