Chickens House Projects: Ideal Protection From Unsafe Elements

A good chicken\’s house can protect the chickens from dangerous elements including the weather, predators and injury.

Protection from Weather

A dry and draft-free house is required for chickens. This can be done by building a comparatively draft-free chicken\’s house with windows and doors which can sometimes be opened for ventilation when mandatory. Build the chicken house on high and well-drained areas. Through this poultry plan, extended moistness and water saturation of the floor inside the coop and runs outside can be avoided. Let the front of the coop, the windows and the outside run face to the south too. This allows the sun to constantly dry and warm the coop. To keep the humidity level in the coop to a minimum, allow a satisfactory level of space per bird too.

Protection from Predators

The only way to give protection to the chickens from predators is to keep the poultry house totally confined with fence and covered runs. When planning a poultry house, consider laying a concrete floor and secure the wall with one or two concrete blocks. This deters predators from digging under the walls and the floors. When the coop is opened, windows and doors must be soundly covered with heavy-gauge mesh wire or screening.

With outside runs, bury the wire into the ground along the coop border with 12 inches depth and toe the fence outward about 6 inches. Through this way, it\’ll help to stop most predators from digging under the fence. By toeing the fence outward and burying it, the predator will dig down right into more fencing.

To deter predators, a few of the people run electrical fencing around the outside of their pens four inches off the ground and about one foot from the primary fence.

Protection from Injury

Plan your chicken\’s house to stop any probable injury to your chickens. Take out any loose or ragged wire, nails, or other sharp-edged objects from the coop. Get rid of all the areas other than perches, where the chickens could perch more than four feet above the floor. Get rid of any perching areas like window ledges, nest box tops, or electrical cords when possible. These measures could stop any injury to you or your chickens and may stop damage to the house, too.

There is plenty of information out there that can help you on Building chicken coops. More info at PORTABLE CHICKEN COOPS.

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