Call Landscape Maintenance Services Redwood City Ca

In order to have a beautiful, or at the least, a nice looking lawn, you have to do a lot of work. There is the mowing, the weeding, the mulching, and fertilizing. Then if you have trees, shrubs, or plants and flowers, you have pruning and more weeding, and more fertilizing. When all that is finished you have to water everything! It is easy to see how instead of enjoying your yard, you may be working on it. But, if you hire landscape maintenance services redwood city ca, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy. Here are some things to know before hiring.

There are some things you need to think about before you call and have someone over to give you. Get some referrals from anyone you know using a service. A neighbor whose yard you admire would be a perfect source. Know what work you want them to perform, how often, and for how much.

The first thing you want to find out is what services do they offer. If you have trees, will you want to prune them yourself of have them do it. Find out if they remove and discard cut or fallen limbs, branches, leaves, and other debris. Decide if you want them to weed around your plants or just cut the grass, blow leaves then leave. In addition, do you expect them to fertilize the lawn and all plants, install or change sprinklers, and do other landscaping work.

The second thing to ask, is who will they have working on your property and around your home. Find out if it will always be the same people or will it change and why. How much experience the crew has and if there is a language barrier, find out if at least one member of the crew will speak and understand the same language as you do.

A few companies have set fees for each specific job performed. Try to stay away from that. There are too many variables and you may be charged based on what a larger or difficult yard would cost. Instead, have a list of work you expect to have performed. Allow them to wander about your yard so they can give you an accurate quote or estimate.

When talking with them, be clear on what work you expect to have performed and materials provided. In addition to operating their own equipment, do you expect them to provide fertilizer or plants to be set out. If so, find out the brand and cost.

If you live in an area where it is wet or snowing during the winter months, find out what they will do during that time. Ask if they snow blow or shovel your walkway and yard. If they do not provide firewood, find out if they will stack it for you.

Once you have those basics taken care of do not commit to a long term agreement. You want to know if they keep to a regular schedule and perform quality work. Then decide if you want to continue using their services.

Read more about Hire Landscape Maintenance Services Redwood City Ca.

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