Owen Jones

Landscape Lighting Exra-Ordinaire

Whilst having a fantastic garden is important you should think about means of allowing the beauty of your garden to show through in various sorts of weather conditions. Some people also like to have the opportunity of having their garden illuminated at night. For these people, looking at various landscape lighting options will permit you the chance of having your garden looking just the way you want it, no matter what the natural lighting conditions are.

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What Are Termite Eggs?

Termites are not ants, but they do behave like them in many ways. In fact, termites are not even distantly related to ants, they are more closely related to cockroaches. But, as I said, termites share many characteristics with ants. They live in nests of many hundreds, thousands and even millions of inhabitants, they have a queen termite, they are governed by something we humans do not comprehend, but which we refer to as ‘collective intelligence’, they are fed this information by pheromones and they reproduce by means of eggs. The queen can lay thousands of termite eggs per day and there can be more than one queen per nest.

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Things To Try Before Using Natural Insecticide

Many gardeners and even professional crop growers are very satisfied with themselves if they take a step back from using chemical insecticides and revert to using natural, old-fashioned insecticides. And it is true, they have, but did you know that there is yet another step back too? A step backward in time that does not include spraying of any kind at all.

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What Are Termite Eggs?

Termites are not ants, but they do behave like them in many ways. In fact, termites are not even distantly related to ants, they are more closely related to cockroaches. But, as I said, termites share many characteristics with ants. They live in nests of many hundreds, thousands and even millions of inhabitants, they have a queen termite, they are governed by something we humans do not comprehend, but which we refer to as ‘collective intelligence’, they are fed this information by pheromones and they reproduce by means of eggs. The queen can lay thousands of termite eggs per day and there can be more than one queen per nest.

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