Owen Jones

Infrared Technology And Termite Detection

Infrared technology has been used for decades to hunt for humans and other animals. It even has uses in various fields of science and technology, but until quite recently, no one had had the idea of using infrared to locate termites and other insects. When, you hear about it, it makes sense, because a huge number of animals working and living together will produce heat, even if they are termites.

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Termite Tenting

Do you have a termite concern? If you have, you should get on to it right away, because the ultimate future of a house infested with termites is a demolished house. Termites can be got rid of, there is no uncertainty about that, but the technique you select is significant. One of the means that some professionals use is termite tenting.

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The Termite Queen And The Termite King

For the scientifically-minded, termites are eusocial animals of the Class Insecta; Subclass Pterygota; Infraclass Neoptera; Superorder Dictyoptera and Order Isoptera. They are not related to ants in any way, although some people refer to them as white ants. Having said, that termites do share a few traits with ants: firstly, work is divided along lines of gender and secondly, the ruler of the colony is the termite queen.

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A Home Swimming Pool

A swimming pool is an endeavor to create a safe, handy environment in which to swim. However, they are quite expensive to install and to maintain. If you live in one of the temperate zones, it is probable that you can find a river, lake or stretch of sea to swim in during the summer months. If you live in the tropics then you can swim all year round but the waters are likely to be more perilous.

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Greenhouse Designs – Choosing The Best For Your Garden

If you are a keen gardener, then you perhaps would like or already have a greenhouse. A greenhouse allows a gardener to indulge in gardening all year round, but did you know that the design of the greenhouse is very important? Greenhouse designs vary according to what they are to be used for and to some extent where the garden is situated. Therefore, when it comes to greenhouse designs, choosing the best for your garden is quite important.

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Deterring Termite

Every home-owner needs to look after their asset. This takes maintenance, regular and thorough maintenance. There are many threats to a structure, especially if there is a substantial amount of timber in it. Most properties have a lot of wooden components. The rafters in the roof, the joists supporting the floors and the casing behind the plasterboard walls are all subject to attack by mould and insects.

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In Pool Bars

Millions of people give garden parties every year, but pool parties are even better. You probably have been to a pool bar in a hotel on holiday where one of the bars faces onto the water and there are seats in the water, normally totally submerged so that the drinkers can sit at the bar in the water and enjoy their drink. Imagine holding a party in your garden with a pool and an in-pool bar!

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