Anne Darwin

The Role Of Green Label Products In Promoting Sustainability

The building industry is next to the food industry as far as consumption of raw materials is concerned. Because of this, there is a call for the manufacturers of building materials to promote a sustainable future through green label products. A building material can be considered as a green label product when it is earth friendly and at the same time harmless to human health and well-being.

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Practical Aromatherapy: Using Essential Oils’ Antiseptic Action

Essential oils hold huge promise in the treatment of varieties infectious disease, and are most readily utilized by the home-practitioner in the form of antiseptics. An antiseptic is formally defined as ‘a substance which reduces the possibility of infection when topically applied to living tissue’. Essential oils do this job exceptionally well, working powerfully and quickly to support the healing of cuts and abrasions through the prevention of infections. Many do a double-duty of actually stimulating tissue regeneration, while keeping the area free from potentially harmful microorganisms. Here’s a quick look at some aromatherapy techniques for moms with children wanting to use natural products for the health and wellness of their families.

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