A Guide On Lawn Maintenance

A lawn that has been well taken care of is very appealing to the eye. Remember, in order to ensure one that is green and smart, a lot of effort is needed to make it that way. The good thing however is that with this guide on lawn maintenance, you will discover that all this can be made easier.

As a prerequisite, make sure you have adequate supply of water, mower, fertilizer and the recommended pesticides. Remember as you do your mowing, ensure only the right blade settings are used. Using incorrect settings will only make you incur uncalled for expenses.

The grass should be cut at low during Autumn. This is especially so if you consider this to be your final cut before winter as this prevents the mold from growing due to the snow. Chances of the grass clumping together are also greatly reduced.

It is vital that you frequently check up it up for disease, pests and other unwanted plants. This is so because they prevent vital nutrients from reaching the roots. Thus in order to restrain the diseases which are known to be caused mostly by fungi, consider using the recommended fungicides and try to perform Aeration which gives an opportunity for soil to allow the free flow of the important nutrients.

In as much as soil already contains the necessary nutrients such as phosphorous, potassium and nitrogen, the quantity produced is quite low to sustain healthy turf. You therefore need to boost it with additional of these nutrients found in the recommended fertilizer. Apply the fertilizer each year to ensure the turf is able to strongly tolerate heat and some other environmental conditions.

As seen it can be easy to get that beauty as long as you maintain it regularly. In order for you to have yours looking that way, however you need to practice good lawn maintenance. Ensure to give right food to it, and always conduct regular inspections so as to effectively deal with the various pests that may interfere with its beauty.

If you are looking for expert lawn maintenance you should consult a company that specialises inlawn care

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