How To Design Your Own Pool Landscaping

Not everyone has landscaping around their swimming pools even though they may have plenty of area to do so. If you are someone that is like that only because they are afraid it would be too difficult to create their own design, think again. If you take your time and do some good research you should have no problems designing your own pool landscaping.

A good idea before you start is to go to other homes of people you may know that have swimming pools with landscaped areas and get some ideas for your own design. Make sure to ask them the kinds of plants they have planted and what plants to avoid. You could also got to any home and garden shows or exhibitions there might be as well to get some good ideas.

Once you think you have the basic idea of what kind of plants you might want to consider using you will need to measure out the areas in which you want to place your flowerbeds. Don\’t forget to write down all of the measurements so you can use these for when you actually decide to do the landscaped work. You should include any areas that might have some sort of fencing as well.

Once you have done this you need to sit down and figure out the kinds of plants you want to put in the different flowerbeds and if you want to have each flowerbed contain the same plants or if you want to mix it up some by planting a variety of different plants in each flowerbed. By having flowerbeds that contain a variety can add special interest and interesting depth to your landscaped areas.

You will also need to take into consideration just how much time you really want to put into the landscaped area once it is planted. There are plants that are going to require your constant attention with watering, weeding and trimming. On the other hand there are other plants that may end up not taking any of your time due to their low maintenance.

Take some time in researching the different sizes your plants might be when they are full grown before you go ahead and start planting them. You need to make size comparisons for the area you will be planting in and the distance from your pool and any walls or fences that there might be.

You should also know what the habit of it\’s growth is and figure out if the plant is going to grow well if it\’s near the swimming area. You need to also take into consideration with regards to the plant shedding it\’s leaves, if it might have thorns and other things that might not make it a very good plant to have near the water.

After you have taken all of this into consideration you will need to figure out just how many plants you are going to need so that the area is landscaped adequately. It will also depend upon how much room is required between each plant. The more room that is required the less plants you are going to need.

After your plant planning is complete you should stop and decide what kind of bedding that you are going to want for your flowerbeds. Are you going to want rocks and what kind? Do you want bark? Do you want bark dust or just settle for dirt by itself?

Last note, make sure that when you are planting near the swimming area that you don\’t plant something that is going to eventually end up cracking your concrete patio foundation. Also try to avoid plants that might scratch people or may harm your pets.

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