A Beginner\’s Guide To Installing A Garden Pond

You might think that it would be complicated to install and set up your own garden pond, but it\’s really very easy. We\’ve put together this little guide to tell you how to do it. The first step is to choose your location. This is really important as, if you are planning to have plants in your pond, you need to know they\’ll get enough sunlight. After choosing the location, the next step is to think about how big you want it to be – your garden needs to incorporate it.

After choosing the location, you need to plot out the site of your pond. You can measure out the outline with a malleable object such as a hosepipe or string. These are bendy enough that they\’ll be useful in helping you map out the outline of your pond, no matter what shape you choose. Then you need to firmly secure your outline so you know where to dig. The next step is to begin digging around the edges of the pond to make sure your outline stays the same.

Your next step is to create a plant shelf that makes a solid base on which to put your plants. Do this by digging down about 12 inches and digging across about 10 inches from the edge of the pond. This should form a good, solid shelf. Since the rest of the pond needs to be deeper than the shelf, you should then keep digging down in the central section – how far down you dig largely depends how deep you want it to be.

The next step is to sort out the liner that will stop your pond from leaking. Measure out the length and width of the pond on the liner and make sure you incorporate the depth of the pond and your plant shelf. This will ensure your liner covers the whole base and sides of the pond and will stop the water from leaking out. Once you\’ve measured the liner, remove any debris from the base and sides of the pond and cover it with 2 inches of sand.

Now you can place the liner onto the bed of sand, being careful that it doesn\’t wrinkle. Then secure it before you start to fill the pond with water. If the liner wrinkles, you should smooth it out as this can prevent leaks or tears occurring later on. Once the pond is full of water, your last task is to choose your favorite water-based plants and put them on your plant shelf so you can enjoy your new, homemade garden pond.

More : Pond Pumps

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