What The Romans Did For London Drainage And Water Supply ‘ Tracking High-Quality Hygiene

What the Romans did for London drainage and water supply was actually much ahead of its time even though the British completely abandoned this system. Anywhere throughout the Roman empire you can see great examples of drainage systems that were used to clear land as well as deal with waste. In Rome there was a large aqueduct system that brought fresh water to everyone.

The Roman systems for drainage were copied in all cities and towns found within the Roman empires. Incidentally the best examples of Roman Latrines can be found in Hadrian’s Wall in Britain. The Romans and especially the army had very good hygiene.

Much of the Roman drainage occurred when they built their roads. Alongside every Roman road could be found a drainage ditch and this is one of the reasons that many of the roads are still used and have lasted as long as they have. Roman baths were also found in all Roman homes and they brought this system with them to Britain.

The Romans also undertook to drain some large tracts of land so that they could be used for farming. One such example is the Fens as these were once forests that since became swamps, mainly due to their proximity to the sea or low laying ground near a river.

Land near the sea was also drained, or drainage was attempted, to make that land usable for agriculture. One particular tricky spot is the Fens. This was once a forest but has since become a swamp. They built large catch water drains to attempt to drain off the water and they also constructed large sea walls to stop the ocean from overtaking the land they were trying to drain.

Much of the sickness that developed in the Middle Ages was due to improper sewage and sanitation and when new sewers were constructed they were designed after the Greek systems. If those in London had continued to use the Roman system then the plagues that occurred may not have been so severe.

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