Making Yourself Protected From Con Artists Posing As Window Cleaners

Millions of dollars each year are looted by con artists who pretend to be cleaning windows. That is why the growing menace of con men posing as window cleaners and what you can do to ensure your safety are becoming necessary. Elderly people are particularly vulnerable to these deceptive trades plied by con men.

The cases of deception theft is rising in UK also. Despite the growing cases, a large majority of the elderly victims prefer not to approach the authorities due to a number of reasons. In 1998, deception cases in UK reached around 16,000 cases.

Policemen however believe that the real offences could be five times the reported number because elderly people would rather keep silent for fear of their safety. Also, they do not want their kids to transfer them to home for the aged so the crime goes unreported.

A number of incidents involve situations where callers used all kinds of excuses just to be able to enter the home and loot the place. When faced with this situation, the most plausible thing to do in cases like this, is to ask for an official ID from the caller before letting him in. If they cannot produce an identification card then call the police so you can have his identity verified.

When confronted with cases like this, you should remain alert and keep your wits about you. If the person insists or tries to persuade you some more, you should listen to what your instincts are telling you. If you smell something fishy about the whole thing, then most likely the callers are fake cleaners. Never open the door immediately and let the strangers in. You should confirm their identity first by calling the window cleaning company they work for before letting them inside your property.

Install a peephole on your door so you could see who is behind your door. Using a door chain might not be so effective since it can be broken easily. Also, avoid hiding your keys in places outside the door like the plant box. Thieves know these places so well and can easily locate your key. These tips can help you prevent the growing menace of con men posing as window cleaners and what you can do to ensure your safety.

Are you in dire need a window cleaning company? Well, we are here to provide you the residential window cleaning service at your disposal. You will be delighted with what we have to do for your windows. We are experienced at window cleaning and make sure we do it right.

categories: police,crime,london,cleaning,window cleaners,business,security,home,house,property,office,crime prevention

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