Beautifully Designed Koi Ponds New Jersey

Design and construction experts build custom designed ponds. Design elements include size and placement, waterfalls, fountains, streams, bridges, and aquatic plants. Well placed lighting can accent a waterfall, light a walkway to the pond, and cast light on the surrounding landscape. Most Koi ponds New Jersey design and construction companies also offer maintenance services on a monthly, seasonal, or as needed basis. Many offer 24 hour service for emergency repairs.

Monthly service includes monitoring of water chemistry, cleaning filters and skimmers, checking pumps, topping off or changing water, skimming leaves and debris, maintaining aquatic plants. Seasonal services prepare ponds for weather changes. Seasonal changes are critically important. If you make a mistake, fish die.

Koi are ornamental varieties of the common carp. They were harvested by rice farmers in Japan as an important source of protein. Mutated fish with splotches of white and red appeared around 1850. The farmers began a program of separating and selectively breeding for unique coloration and beauty. Today there are over a hundred pattern variations. Join a local Koi club to meet with other Koi enthusiasts, exchange information, attend lectures, Koi shows, and pond tours.

Two thousand gallons of water are needed for every 20 full grown Koi. Pumps should circulate the total volume of water at least once per hour. For your expensive investment to live and thrive, the water pump and filtration system must be properly sized. An ultraviolet sterilizer is also a necessity. Heat is critically important in cold weather areas.

Install a skimmer if your pond is located near trees. Clean leaves out of the pond daily. Ponds should include both sunny and shady areas within the fish’s environment. Keep water conditions healthy by testing for chlorine, pH, salinity, alkalinity, hardness, nitrates, nitrites, phosphate, copper, oxygen. If unsure, contract with a service company monthly, or at least seasonally, to be sure your pond remains a healthy ecosystem.

Raccoons, mink, and some birds enjoy Koi as a tasty meal. Building a pond that’s at least 4′ deep discourages mink and raccoons. Lilly pads and water squirting scarecrows discourage birds. A pond design that can be covered with netting if birds become a nuisance can save your fish.

Plants convert carbon dioxide to oxygen in the water. They have a filtering effect, and provide shade and cover. The amount of sunlight affects the type of aquatic plants to be used in the landscaping. Aquatic plants like different environments. Some like still, some like moving water, still others prefer deep water.

If you’re building a pond yourself, it’s a good idea to consult with an expert. Have a professional review your design and construction plans to be sure you’re creating a workable pond that will be a healthy environment. For help with design, construction, and/or maintenance, call on a professional.

Koi ponds New Jersey are a beautiful addition to any yard, garden, or office landscaping. They’re also a substantial investment. A Koi pond is basically an outdoor aquarium, and like an aquarium, water temperature and chemistry, oxygenation and filtration, are critically important to the life of the fish. Consider contracting with a professional service for design and construction, equipment upgrades, repairs, maintenance, cleaning, seasonal services, and 24 hour emergency repairs.

You can visit the website for more helpful information about Creative Water Gardens And Koi Ponds New Jersey

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