Learn How To Paint Wood Furniture To Create Unique Pieces

Learning how to paint wood furniture is an enjoyable past-time that also adds beauty to the home. With the correct technique, one can paint both new pieces and those which are already painted and simply need a bright new look. By following these helpful guidelines, one can achieve professional-looking results at home.

The first step is to prep the furniture. If this is skipped, paint will peel and chip not long after it’s applied. After removing any handles or knobs, the piece should be wiped down using a mixture of water and a wood cleaner such as an oil soap product. If there are drawers, they should each be cleaned separately.

Furniture which is already painted will need to be sanded down in order to effectively remove the shiny surface of the previous coat. By doing this, the new paint will be able to adhere much more readily. Medium-grit sandpaper works well to achieve this effect. This step is only needed if there is a glossy finish on the piece.

Once it has been dried and dusted-off it is time to apply a primer. Primer creates an even stronger bond between the new color and the wood and it also disguises any imperfections. An oil-based primer works especially well on wood.

In between painting each coat, it will be necessary to sand it down each time. A fine-grade sandpaper can be used, and it need only be done lightly. This will help produce a more even and professional-looking finish. It’s important to make sure it is completely dusted each time however, a piece of tack cloth can be used for this.

The furniture is ready to be painted now. An interior latex product with a semi-gloss finish is usually best. A flat finish is not recommended because it can soil and show dirt considerably more, whereas the glossy type are easy to wipe off. Only thin coats must be used, followed by sanding in between. Most pieces will need about two or three coats.

The painting technique used depends on the preference of the person doing the work, but some are easier and more effective than others. Using a small, foam hand-roller works well and can avoid the look of brush strokes. There are also paint sprayers or even a quality spray lacquer in an aerosol can, which some may find simpler to use.

After waiting at least one day for the final coat to dry, the piece can having a sealing product such as polyurethane applied to it. If the furniture has been painted white however, it may be better to use a wax-based product instead. These solutions are just rubbed on, buffed with a cloth and left to dry for a few minutes. Now the piece can have its hardware added and is ready to use. By learning how to paint wood furniture one can take pride in adding a personal touch to their home’s decor.

When you want to learn techniques on how to paint wood furniture, visit the web pages at www.made4aking.com today. More details about methods can be seen at http://www.made4aking.com now.

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