The Dirt In Landscaping Baton Rouge

From rolling hills, lush swamps and awe-inspiring timber farms, the capital city of Louisiana is a beautiful grab bag of natural geography.The city is also full of clay, nutrient deprived soil and other planting headaches. Thoughts of supplementing that natural beauty by landscaping Baton Rouge do not have to be a topographical nightmare if you start with the dirt.

Baton Rouge stretches across three different bio regions: 1, 3 and 4. This means that the city as a whole, is comprised of different types of soil. Bio regions are the naturally occurring divisions of a piece of land. Lakes, rivers, mountains, etc; divide the land into different parts as well as different soil types. Plants differ in growth and life requirements, so the bio-region is the best place to start, when deciding on plant type.

Region 1 includes the lowland areas known as the Mississippi Red River Alluvial plain. This is the area stretching from Port Allen to South Baton Rouge. In being an alluvial plain, this area frequently experiences flooding. This causes the silt and clay of Mississippi river to erode and redeposit inland.

The most pervasive region, it is characterized by its loose clay dirt and frequent flooding. This means that high maintenance and non- deciduous plants would struggle to survive here. Also, plants that may be easily washed away will struggle here. Weather resilient hardwood trees are indigenous to this area. Because of flooding and loose dirt, items used in landscaping should be tightly secured.

Region 3, the area surrounding Tunica Hills, pervades the middle of the city. It crosses from Mid-city through to Shenandoah. Because this area is a mix of several different types of soil, environmental factors, and weather patterns it is difficult to say enough about it. In the areas closest to the flood plains and rivers, the same that is true of bio region 1 may apply, clay and silt deposits make for difficult planting.

Close to the dry hills of the region, dirt will be easier to cultivate. The humidity of Louisiana combined with the nutrient rich soil creates a natural greenhouse. Deciduous plants and otherwise, flourish without problems in the area. There are as many different indigenous plants as there are areas.

Historically full of long leaf pines, bio region 4 runs south, adjacent to region 3.Stretching from the Northern city throughout much of the city, the area is characterized by its huge hardwood trees and timber farms. Dirt in this area has high clay content but with less flooding than region 1, the area will support a plethora of plants. Deciduous plants like those of the swamp lands will no thrive here.

Baton Rouge is the second largest city and capital of Louisiana with topography as varied as its natural landscape. Starting with the dirt will avail you to a plethora of landscaping possibilities as diverse as the city itself. While some areas will fail high maintenance plants, there is an area that will support just about every type of plant. Landscaping Baton Rouge boils down to the knowledge of the environment and the dirt is the most important aspect.

You can visit the website for more helpful information about Landscaping Baton Rouge Getting Dirty

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