Red Royal Standard Poodles Make Loyal, Fun-Loving Companions

Red Royal standard poodles are renowned for their striking red coats and stable temperaments. Most will grow to a height of at least 15 inches. Males sometimes reach a weight of 70 pounds. Females do not grow quite as big. The length is similar to the height, giving the dog a square appearance. It has a long, straight muzzle and long, flat ears. The tail is sometimes docked but is carried high.

There is some doubt as to where the breed originated although Germany is usually given as the home country. Hunters there used similar looking woolly dogs to retrieve waterfowl. Sniffing out truffles was another of their tasks. Once the breed was introduced into France, it quickly became known as the French poodle although ‘caniche’ (duck dog) was the name given to it by the French themselves. It has a noble, aristocratic air and was once always linked to royalty and the aristocracy. For showing purposes, the breed is divided into Standards, Miniatures and Toys.

The coat is dense and thick, more like wool than fur. It may be curly or corded. They shed little or no hair and are regarded as hypoallergenic. The ‘poodle clip’ was first designed to help the dogs perform better in the water. Leaving hair on the leg joints and body protected them from reeds and extreme cold. Pompoms on the tail made the dogs easily seen in the water. Clipping hair from the hindquarters and chest lessened the weight of a wet coat. Nowadays, there are a number of different clips. Unless you intend to show your dog, an easy-care, all-over clip is best.

The poodle does not demand a lot of exercise. It does, however, need plenty of activity and attention. The standard has retained his hunting instincts and should be provided with both mental and physical stimulation.

Red royal standard poodles have good longevity. Check that your breeder has had his stud dogs tested for genetic problems. Hip dysplasia and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) are two diseases which will eventually be eradicated if breeders cease to breed from dogs carrying the defective gene. Ear infections, allergies, skin complaints and Von Willebrand’s disease are other disorders which affect some. Bloat can also be a problem but can largely be avoided by feeding smaller meals more often.

As a rule, the breed is good-natured and cheerful. It has a proud stance and is highly intelligent. If not exercised properly or harshly treated, it may become neurotic. It can also become demanding, nervous and unpredictable if spoilt and over-pampered.

All dogs need their owner to be the dominant partner and the poodle is no exception. It needs to spend its time with its owner or family. They make good family pets and are trustworthy with children. They tend to become one-person dogs.

Red royal standard poodles should only be purchased from a reputable breeder. Your new companion will excel at retrieving, competitive obedience and agility classes. It will also learn tricks quite easily. By buying from a reliable source, you will know you are getting a happy, well-adjusted dog.

You can visit the website for more helpful information about For A Loving, Eye-Catching Companion, Consider Red Royal Standard Poodles

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