Just as there are many different varieties of flower seeds, there are also many different varieties of turf-grasses. Some of these grass seeds are more suited to shady growing conditions than others.
Actually, it\’s not possible to recommend just one \”best\” shade seed, because it depends where you live. If you live in a northern cooler climate then you\’ll want to look at the tall fescue variety of seed.
If you\’re in a warmer climate and looking for a good shade seed then something along the lines of the St. Augustine grass is a better choice for you.
Are you in a moderate climate such as the Pacific Northwest? In that case just about any grass seed will work well for you, except for the ones specifically intended for hot climates.
Most grass seed that you buy has a mix of seeds in it. This ensures the best chance of germination for the widest range of soil and climate conditions. Unless you live in an extreme climate (either very hot or very cold), a grass seed containing some combination of the following seeds would be a good choice:
Kentucky Bluegrass Perennial Ryegrass Creeping Red Fescue Chewings Fescue
One grass seed that\’s readily available in most areas of the country is Scotts Sun & Shade Grass Seed. It contains Perennial Ryegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass and Red Fescue which is an excellent shade seed mix for cooler or northern climates and is great for over-seeding as well.
Here is why Scotts is a good choice: The ryegrass comes up quick and is disease resistant. The bluegrass adds a nice color, is aggressively spreading and self-repairing. And red fescue is an excellent shade seed. This produces a dark green fine bladed lawn that is very professional looking.
Looking for the best deal on grass seed? Visit this site for great advice on how to choose the best shade seed mix for your budget.