Gardening Jobs During The Arrival Of Spring

[I:]The month of March onwards heralds the arrival of spring, and with it emerges new buds and roots. This period is an excellent time to start preparing the garden for the coming summer months. A few jobs are necessary during this period and a little outdoor preparation will make tasks in the following months somewhat easier. The following paragraphs focus on gardening jobs during the arrival of spring.

Complete pruning of summer flowers and shrubs should be undertaken at this time. Many flowering shrubs will bloom far better if they have been cut back during the early spring, prior to the commencement of new growth. It is important to trim last years flowering wood also. For those that are in doubt about whether the shrubs they have in their garden should be pruned, there is an old saying that goes, if in doubt, don\’t.

Begin to plant some bulbs, and the time is also ripe to introduce a variety of herbaceous plants into ones garden. This is also an excellent time to plant a number of bare rooted shrubs, and if desired, some trees.

Before attempting the first cut of the lawn, be sure to set the blades on the mower to high. The first cut should be a light one and do not under any circumstances, attempt to cut the grass too low. This may result in bald areas during the coming months.

Plants and flowers will prosper if a good quality fertilizer is used. The best fertilizers will contain the spectrum of nutrients, however, they should also contain the following. Phosphorus, young, new roots will benefit from phosphorus as it will assist them to grow, it is also important for seed production and for fruit ripening. Nitrogen, is important for building leaf tissue. Potassium, essential for photosynthesis of the leaves and for starch. Also required for fruiting and fighting disease.

The start of spring is an excellent time to get out into the garden. This is also an ideal opportunity to tackle those tasks that will ensure a well maintained garden, throughout the summer months.

Learn more about raised garden beds. Stop by HomeFellas where you can find details about raised bed gardening.

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