Ideas For DIY Garden Landscaping

You may be looking out over your yard and wondering what you should do to spruce it up. Hiring someone is probably too expensive. Yet you know the basic skills and basic ideas, and could start to bring about the changes with a bit of DIY garden landscaping.

Weeds are always a problem. However, some weeds flower beautifully, they are also quite beneficial to your outside enjoyment. These plants attract butterflies, humming birds, and other interesting wildlife.

Ground cover is the easiest way to control weeds, and is an easy DIY garden landscaping project. Take advantage of old newspapers. Collect them from friends, or if there is a news paper office near you, see if they will give you their old copies. If you layer the paper thickly, it creates a good block for weeds, and is more eco-friendly than the black plastic..

Cover your newspaper with inexpensive is mulch. Urban areas often have centers in towns where the maintenance crews keep the trees trimmed. This is often mulched into fine chippings, and is freely available if you will load it yourself.

Now that you\’ve put down your weed barrier and mulched, color should be added. Super-centers will inspire you greatly, but use a trip to the store as a mission for ideas. Paving stones or bricks will get you to a good start. Decide what you want to create, and then hit building sites where old bricks are lying around, or find your local freecycle and let them know you are looking for bricks and paving stones. People are happy to get rid of their junk, and one man\’s trash is another man\’s treasure.

Now is time to add some color. Plants may be expensive, but it is possible to obtain them for free too. It\’s often necessary to split plants in order for them to stay healthy. Many other plants will spread too vigorously if not kept in check. Find the people in your neighborhood with colorful flower beds, and get to know them. Most people who enjoy gardening will be happy to share their success stories – and plant cuttings – with you.

You might want to add a statue or other garden ornament, too. Don\’t go to specialist shops, get used to being a scavenger, and find items have been discarded because of a minor defect. Always be looking for that item which has been cast aside that you could convert into a living sculpture. Many an old household item can be painted with moss to encourage it to grow, or converted into an unusual flower pot or other container. Let your imagination run wild.

Now you can give yourself that pat on the back. DIY garden landscaping and stone and bricks London Ontario, created by your own sweat and ingenuity, something of which you can be proud. But remember to pay it forward. Encourage those who admire your garden, and pass on your tips as to how you made something beautiful out of next to nothing.

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