Go Camping With A Blue Tarp

When you want to go camping you should consider using a blue tarpaulin for your tent. With an 8\” X 10\” blue tarpaulin that is affordable and six tent stakes and a walking stick or trek pole you can have a very nice tem for two men.

A tent that is made from a blue tarpaulin will fit nearly any budget. Many people already have tarpaulins in their storage rooms or maybe in their garages. You can carve a trek pole and tent stakes from wood during your camping trip if you don\’t already have these items. The tents that are made from a blue tarpaulin works much better that a tent that is purchased in a store.

To make a tent from a blue tarpaulin you should lay the tarpaulin out flat on the ground. Once it\’s spread out on the ground and ensure that it\’s totally free of folds and wrinkles and is totally flat. Find the center of one of the long sides of the tarpaulin and stake down the middle point between the left corner and the center of the tarpaulin. Using your second stake, locate the middle between the right corner and the center and stake it. Don\’t forget that all of this was all accomplished on one of the long sides of the tarpaulin. This completes the back section of your tent.

Next, you should pull each corner of other long side of the tarpaulin parallel with the stakes that you have just set and stake them. This will provide you with sufficient slack to allow you to insert your pole in between the stakes that you just set. Your tent should now begin to take shape. The front and the entrance are now completed.

Lastly, you should pull out the center of your short side and stake it with your 5th stake. Repeat this with your 6th stake on the opposite side. You can now tuck the back corners of your new tent beneath the body of your tent. You have just completed your first 8\” X 10\” tent that was made with a blue tarpaulin.

This method will work the best on ground that is dry. However, it is no problem to use a spare tarpaulin to lie on as a sleep pad to keep the moisture away from your body if the ground is wet. The first time you set up this type of tarp it may be difficult but with a little practice you will be able to set it up in a matter minutes.

Click here to find more about blue tarps and tarps.

categories: Tarps, tarpaulins, blue tarps, outdoor, gardening, landscaping

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