Great Landscaping Ideas For Spring

The singing birds, budding flowers and fresh new leaves add life to the barren look of winter vegetation. You may start to feel the pull of the outdoors with the onset of spring. After spending most days and evenings indoors, the sunshine will have you wishing for a great yard space where you may enjoy meals and laughter. With these simple landscaping ideas for spring, you will be prepared for the upcoming summer and loving your new hide out.

Now that you have the desire, it is time to have a plan. You need to get an idea of how you would like the space to flow. The new layout is important because everything will be based off of how it is set up. If you just have a lawn, would a new patio look great?

Patio area\’s are not that difficult to install, especially if you just lay stones as opposed to pouring concrete. You need to mark out the area, then clear away all of the lawn, rocks or plants which may be in the way. Make sure you save the plants you like because you can replant them later.

Dig up the area being careful not to damage any piping, you just want to get an even space where you can add sand, ground cover, rocks or paving stones. You can lay different layers of sand, then add stone or cement sections and another layer of sand to fill the spaces. When doing this, it is also nice to add ground cover between the stones. The ground cover looks great and provides some support to the structure with its root system. Other options would be pea gravel, decomposed granite stamped concrete and even decking.

Plant selection can be the best part of a project. The different colors, textures and heights bring the space to life and create a special ambiance. In order to take advantage of every bit of space, use the walls, fences and other elevated surfaces for adding different plants. A series of planters with different flowers and ferns is sure to make that wall come to life.

Along with adding flower boxes, walls and fences are great backdrops for vines. Some vines will take their time climbing up the boards, while others will insert immediate color in just a couple of months. A hanging fountain or piece of outdoor art work is another great use for plain old walls and fences.

Yard art and decorations are always a wonderful addition to any patio, yard or other type of outdoor space. Selecting the perfect piece can be difficult as you need to consider the scale of the art work in relation to where it will be placed. Sometimes an over sized wall hanging will work wonderfully in a small space, as long as there is a substantial place to hang it from.

A peaceful and comfortable yard is a great place to enjoy some solitude or entertain friends. With these great landscaping ideas for spring, you are sure to come up with a new concrete design for your space. Just ensure you use plants which are suitable for the climate in which you live so that the plants will not need to be replaced after each cold or hot season.

Looking for decorative concrete or designs? Artevia specializes in concrete patio and a wide range of leisure landscaping ideas.

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