The Vital Principles In Landscaping Design

Principles refer to the underlying standards and other prescriptions for either working or arranging the various elements to produce the desired Atlanta landscaping design. A good type of landscape has the combination of the basic standards that you have to learn. These principles are your avenue in achieving the desired results of landscaping like a real pro.

The way you handle the elements fall in the desire for unity. This is the first vital standard that you have to remember. This is the right designing of objects to achieve the real harmony. With unity comes your essence of consistency to produce oneness in your vision. This includes the way you use the different kinds of plants or trees and other details available.

However, you must remember that too much unity may be boring. It is significant therefore to consider introducing some variety of contrasting ideas in your style. The second one is it must be simple. Simplicity is refers to your art of designing it. This principle can keep you begin with the basic design then improve it later.

The next thing is the balance. It simply implies the word itself. You have to balance everything which will show equality. This is possible by planting large shade trees for example on one side while having predominately growing flower garden or a combination of both on the other side. It can also be achieved by using other details of design like rocks, plants and other decors.

Another thing is the way you contrast your ideas to produce a real harmony. This is attainable through the series of plants you use to deliver the harmony. This may include the color, height and other possible textures or forms of the trees and plants. This may differ from one part of the landscape to the other. However, remain the consistency there is.

The types of colors you use will add life to your design. It is however to balance your ways in applying the different colors. There must be the proper use of light and dark colors. You must know the art behind the using of colors in designing. This element can greatly catch your attentions as well as the viewers.

Next in line is the natural transition. This means the gradual changes you make to your landscape. This can be illustrated in terms of the height and the color of the plants but can be applied in all objects of the structure as well including size, texture and the shape of other elements. This therefore can be done by the continuous, ascending or descending arrangement of the various elements.

The proportion refers to the relative elements that are used in the design. This is attainable by creating a real pleasant relationship of all the factors found on your landscape. This includes the breadth, depth, length and other applications. There must be the proper choosing of the various types of plants to refrain from annoyance in the part of the viewers.

The last is repetition which is just related to unity. It is good to have variations of forms and elements in Atlanta landscaping but repeating the elements may give you a variety of emotions. Bear in mind, that unity is greatly achieved by repeating objects that are alike. Too many repetition of these element however can make your garden look crowded and unplanned.

Read more about The Main Principles Of Landscaping visiting our website.

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